Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Letter: Some bills save money

The editorial "Legislators can't help themselves" unfairly casts local representatives in a very unfair and misinformed manner.

My 2007 and 2008 legislative package was introduced for the purpose of making government more efficient, more responsive, and to help address our fiscal crisis. I do not introduce bills that cost taxpayers money.

The legislation I introduced last year makes the Medi-Cal system more efficient, makes it easier for charter schools to function, protects public safety by prohibiting convicted child molesters from getting a license to practice dentistry, makes it easier and more cost effective to screen for cervical cancer, ensures that there will be non-state budget funding and federal funding to build the Redding veterans home, and to propose the sale of state-owned surplus property where the proceeds of $1.5 million would go to pay the state's billions dollars of debt.

I would challenge the editorial board to choose which of these bills are not worthy of introduction.

The notion that the introduction of bills is a waste of time and money is extremely shortsighted. I was elected to the Senate to represent the constituents of the 4th Senate District and I have found that simply saying "no" to legislation is not very effective.

I believe being proactive in a deliberate and thoughtful way through the introduction of legislation that reflects the needs and views of the people in the 4th Senate District is part of my job.

— Sen. Sam

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