Lavender Power is about the synergy between phenomenal women working together to end the abuse of violence & sex & heal.
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How does the painting titled FEAR make you feel?
How does the painting titled FEAR make you feel?
Anxiety, alone, and afraid that there is no hope, that God is there, but is he? Sad.
WOW, I have never seen quite the painting
that is depicted here, i can almost feel her pain
and grief as she just wants to melt away into the arms of a gentle father, God, but the skeletons
are too loud, as the eyes of the man, are too
much for her to bear, so she grabs her cross, and buries her head in the knees, and prays that this life will just end.
Like a failure. and alone.
In what ways am I afraid of my partner?
Not my partner, but a more common amongst amuse with less help is violence within the home surrounding one's parents. There are no shelters, there are not many resources. It's not even included into domestic violence, but more of a family dispute. But the picture reminds me of my Step-father, angry, not stern but a man who is lost within his anger and the only way to show the anger besides the look in his eyes is to use emotional anger through physical and verbal passing. The painting the man looks at the woman, not concerned with her crying, something that he inflicted, and gives the look of how dare you cry, you have no reason to. But it is a power issue, a control issue.
The mental abuse, the verbal abuse and mostly the insensitive emotional abuse and the infidelity on his part. I will never get out of this i fear . . .
It is how i felt for many many years. I no longer live my life in fear as i did. I now live each day with the hopes of helping someone who does...I am a Survivor.
His yelling and changing a situation to always make him the winner. there are rules and i must abide by them but he doesn't have to.
that is depicted here, i can almost feel her pain
and grief as she just wants to melt away into the arms of a gentle father, God, but the skeletons
are too loud, as the eyes of the man, are too
much for her to bear, so she grabs her cross, and buries her head in the knees, and prays that this life will just end.
Like a failure. and alone.
In what ways am I afraid of my partner?
Not my partner, but a more common amongst amuse with less help is violence within the home surrounding one's parents. There are no shelters, there are not many resources. It's not even included into domestic violence, but more of a family dispute. But the picture reminds me of my Step-father, angry, not stern but a man who is lost within his anger and the only way to show the anger besides the look in his eyes is to use emotional anger through physical and verbal passing. The painting the man looks at the woman, not concerned with her crying, something that he inflicted, and gives the look of how dare you cry, you have no reason to. But it is a power issue, a control issue.
The mental abuse, the verbal abuse and mostly the insensitive emotional abuse and the infidelity on his part. I will never get out of this i fear . . .
It is how i felt for many many years. I no longer live my life in fear as i did. I now live each day with the hopes of helping someone who does...I am a Survivor.
His yelling and changing a situation to always make him the winner. there are rules and i must abide by them but he doesn't have to.
This really touched me. Thanks for sharing. Teresa
9 Stages Emotional Phases of a Woman When In & Coming Out of an Abusive Relationship
Just wanted to let everyone know that our CD The Gift, featuring the song about child abuse called Be A Voice, can be purchased from this link at cdbaby.com: Thanks so much,Yvonne Goss

The Domestic Violence Series Foundation
The Domestic Violence Series is an educational series of nine oil paintings created by artist MeloD. The mission of the series is to serve as a means of raising funds for the cause and to educate communities and individuals on the devastating emotional toll domestic violence takes on its victims. If you are a shelter, domestic violence group or organization and are interested in using The Domestic Violence Series as a fund raiser, please email MeloD at http://us.f621.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=MeloD234@aol.com
To give us your thoughts on MeloD 's

Survivors are popular, cool, and all around us.
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