The Report IT Campaign is a nationwide state-to-state rally to Report sexual violence and abuse on the same day! It was created to raise awareness on the vast under-reporting of sexual assault including rape, incest, and abuse.
Report IT exists to showcase solidarity in the movement to end sexual violence as well as a call to action to stop the systemic revictimization of victims that discourages reporting. This campaign is inclusive of men, women, children, trans-gendered and trans-sexual individuals and everyone who has ever been affected by sexual violence or abuse. You do not have to show up if you were a victim - show up if someone you care about was a victim too!
The Report IT Campaign features an anonymous online reporting system to gather statistics on the occurrences of sex crimes.
We encourage you to officially Report IT to the police as well as fill out our online form. If you are going to the police, please contact your local rape crisis center or support group so you will not go alone. If you do not have all the information about your case, if your offender is deceased, if the statute of limitations is up in your case, or if you cannot officially Report IT with the police - please fill out our online form and show up in person to the rally!
The online form is anonymous and is strictly for the Report IT campaign and will not be shared with the authorities. If your case is open, please do not share your real name and fill out the form under "Anonymous."
We will all show up together on April 29, 2008! Whether you officially Reported IT or not - please show up at your local courthouse.
Here are a list of locations that have signed up.
PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment
Shatter the silence of sexual violence!
The Columbus, OH Location:
Columbus, OH information (12 Noon rally):
NEW Location of Report IT Rally:
Franklin County Court House
373 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
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