ZMan thinks I am a vigilante, what do u think?
FYI: My comments are in purple
From his blog he writes:
Wasp aka WaspsNest aka Women Against Sexual Predators aka Tracy Golden
Posted On Sunday, March 30, 2008 at at 2:29:00 AM by ZMan!

NOTE: To see if these vigilantes have said anything about you, on the blogs and web sites I have so far, you can go to my search engine here, or use the one on the left of my blog. You can also look up me, if you so chose. But be warned, they have tracking mechanisms on their web site, so who knows what they may do. I’d recommend using an Anonymous Proxy, this way they do not know who you are.
See all my rebuttals here
This is the lady (Tracy Golden) who started this whole harassment campaign against me, based on her own admission and with the help of Barb Ireland aka SBGLW aka MO2KIDZS.
So posting an email you sent to me is a harassment campaign? WHAT EV!
It all started when she came upon my blog one day, and was curious. She then sent me an email that I responded to. Once she received that, and apparently did not like what I said, she then splashed it on her blog and also gave my info to Barb who then posted it on her blog.
This is what she had to say after receiving my email. You see, I knew who she was, and I respected her and gave her my answer, but she decided to send it out to everyone knowing full well they would splash it all over the Internet and distort everything I said. And that is exactly what occurred. I was expecting her to have some kind of decency to keep it between her and I, but you can see I was wrong, she cannot be trusted.
Exhibit 01 - Click the image to enlarge it
This is what she published after receiving my email. And she thinks I told people to send her hate emails? Well, I did not.. I simply posted her email in a forum for archival purposes, and I cannot control what others do or say. And when she posts it on her blog, she supplies a link to her Myspace page where she posted what I said.

Exhibit 02 - Click the image to enlarge it
First part of the email I sent her.

Exhibit 03 - Click the image to enlarge it
Second part of my email.

Exhibit 04 - Click the image to enlarge it
Third and final part of the email I sent to her.

Exhibit 05 - Click the image to enlarge it
This is the comments people posted to her Myspace item, which she had no right to publish in the first place. And both of these people are wrong, again I did not have sex with or rape or even touch a child, so everything they say is said without any knowledge of my criminal record. So maybe they should get their facts straight before accusing me of something that is a total lie.

Exhibit 06 - Click the image to enlarge it
So after I received the email from her, and she started posting these lies about what I said onto her web site and Myspace page, I then started to find out who she was exactly, and this is what she has on her WaspOhio homepage about why she decided to be a vigilante.

Exhibit 07 - Click the image to enlarge it
This is after she had been checking out my blog for awhile and found that I posted an item about the upcoming rally SOClear Media, RoarForFreedom and SOSEN were going to have in Ohio. So she decided she wanted publicity and to "hijack" the rally, so they started their own campaign. Look at all the lies in this? She is basically calling all sex offenders pedophiles and child molesters, again showing her ignorance. And the reason she said the rally was being held is a total lie as well. That is not why these organizations were holding this rally. And the whole time these vigilantes were there, they did not hijack anything. They just stayed back, holding their signs and watching. So they did not hijack anything.
I didn't say I was Hijacking anything. Absolute Zero said that the Anti's hijacked your precious rally. I said I was having a counter rally.
You can see the entire series of this rally here. You tell me, does it look like the "hijacked" the rally?
Exhibit 08 - Click the image to enlarge it

Well, if child molestors and rapists and pedophiles didn't come to that rally, who were all those sex offenders there? Not public urinators thats for sure.
And even more lies about the rally.

Exhibit 09 - Click the image to enlarge it
This is just too funny. I am not stalking her. She clearly doesn’t know the meaning of stalking. I am simply visiting her web site, blog and Myspace to see if she is publishing more lies about me. Also, after she found out that I was viewing her Myspace page, she blocked me from it so I could not gather more evidence of the BS lies she spreads.

Exhibit 10 - Click the image to enlarge it
Zman- you are just proving my point by making further blogs about me, and saving my pictures. Did you print them out and post them on your wall?
This is after I apparently ticked them off by calling them the "Geek Squad" which I meant for their geeky computer skills and hacking abilities. It was meant as a compliment. Don’t guess they took it as such. Oh well. Also they said they were going to boycott The Geek Squad from Best Buys, yet here they are advertising for them. So much for the boycott.
I didn't know about the boycott. Who is boycotting? Damn it Stitches! Keep me in the loop! I just made this sign special for you ZMan. I like being called the Geek Squad.

Exhibit 11 - Click the image to enlarge it
Just more pictures of the many faces of Tracy Golden and her "Geek Squad!"
Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me LOL, just kidding. I don't want you to think of me in that way. Keep on thinking I'm an ugly troll. I want to keep me out of any of your dreams.

He says:
I was expecting her to have some kind of decency to keep it between her and I, but you can see I was wrong, she cannot be trusted.
So on Aug 26th 2007 he replied to my original email, AND posted it on a sex offender support forum.....
HE "decided to send it out to everyone knowing full well they would splash it all over the Internet and distort everything I said. And that is exactly what occurred."
So then in late August 2007 I decided to blog his response AFTER he had long already posted mine.
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones ZMan.
Or how about - Do unto others as you would have done to you.
I encourage everyone to visit ZMans blog and make the decision for themselves, and leave a comment.
" Damn it Stitches! Keep me in the loop!"
lol sorry I got behind, there's so many of them you know :)
Zman has one of the same problems Derek has. Impulsiveness. It's one of the symptoms of a likeliness to reoffend. It's also stupid.
What does he think he's proving? Wasp is out in her community working on these issues. Great job, Zman, outing an out activist. Way to go.
WE don't have to prove he's stupid, he's doing it himself. Furthermore, the authorities weren't very pleased that a sex offender was trying to harass, threaten and intimidate child advocates. He should be expecting lots of attention soon.
This article has been targeted by a convicted sex offender:
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