Cops: Ohio Rapist Vanishes Into Thin Air
Where Did Rapist Go?
Police say that convicted rapist John Burkey was supposed to report to his parole officer back in September, but instead, he disappeared. Now, police say Burkey is in violation of the Adam Walsh Act, and they want to put him back behind bars -- before it's too late.
John Michael Burkey is a rapist.
The woman he attacked in 1982 knows it. The police in Akron, Ohio know it. But what no one knows is: where is Burkey now?
Twenty-five years ago, Burkey was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Boston Heights. The then 24-year-old Burkey pled guilty, and received a sentence that could have put him away until he was well past retirement age.
But last December, Burkey's victim received a most unwanted gift -- the news that John Burkey was going to be released from prison. Although Burkey is required to notify a parole officer of his whereabouts, cops say he skipped town in September. In October, he failed to show up to register as a sex offender, in direct violation of the Adam Walsh act.
His one-time victim, and the residents of Akron, are holding their breath until Burkey is back behind bars.
Repeat Offender
The US Marshals say Burkey first fled his parole in March of 2002. They say Burkey -- who likes to call himself "Eagle" -- had only been out four months when they caught up to him in Elmsford, New York. Burkey held a woman at knife point. He was convicted of assault and menacing and sent back to prison. He got out again in December 2006.
His one-time victim, and the residents of Akron, are holding their breath until Burkey is back behind bars.
Information valid as of last update.
Failure To Register, Akron, OH; Oct 10, 2007
Parole Violation, Akron, OH; Sep 26, 2007
Aliases John Lynds, Eagle
Sex Male
Race White
Age Now 49
Height 5' 6"
Weight 215 lbs
Hair (Color, Description, Facial Hair) Black Burkey's hair is graying.
Burkey typically has a full, graying mustache.
Eyes (Color and Correction) Brown
Scar on left leg
Tattoos on upper left arm and shoulder
Tattoo on right shoulder
Cops say he likely has mental health issues and may have gone off his medicine.
Burkey may be living as a homeless person.
He may be hitch-hiking with truckers.
Burkey likes to call himself "Eagle."
He likes to collect Native American-style art and artifacts.
Burkey is an Ohio native, but not a first-time parole violator. When he got out of prison in 2001, he fled to New York state.
Last Seen Akron, OH
Burkey was supposed to check in with his parole officer in Akron in September 2007.
Other Possible Locations
Akron, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Elmsford, NY
Flagstaff, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Burkey has family in Tennessee. His mother lived in Tucson before she died, but Burkey has also told people he would like to go to Flagstaff. In the past, Burkey has lived in Cincinnati and southern Ohio. In 2002, Burkey fled his parole and went to Elmsford, New York.
Last Known Locations
Akron, OH
Burkey was last registered as residing at East Tallmadge Avenue in Akron, Ohio.

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