Only On 5: Police Seek Most Wanted Sex Offender
updated 10:34 a.m. ET, Tues., Feb. 19,
CINCINNATI - News 5 has kicked off a special series to help keep our streets safe: Laura Borchers is now profiling sex offenders police want to find in the next few days. The main objective of the roundup is to help police find the five most wanted sex offenders roaming the tri-state area.
The first sex offender, James Hopkins, is registered with the sheriff's office and a warrant is out for his arrest.
"What Mr. Hopkins did is used his hands and rubbed the private parts of a little boy," said Adam Breeze of the Hamilton Co. Sex Offender Office.
Hopkins has been found guilty of victimizing a 9-year-old.
Breeze said Hopkins did serve his sentence, but failing to register has him in trouble with the law again.
News 5 checked his last known address, a hotel room. There was no sign of him and the manager there says he's been gone for months.
Hopkins is from Kentucky and the officials believe he may have returned to his roots.
Police say that if you've seen him, you would know it due to his distinctive features. "He's losing his hair and he has two maybe birthmarks or moles on his head," said Breeze.
Prosecutors who have worked on similar cases stress the importance of rounding up offenders like Hopkins, because without proper monitoring they will most likely strike again.
Tuesday at 5, we will continue with a look at No. 2 on our list of the tri-state's most wanted sex offenders.